How to Make Red Squirrel Swaps
How to Make Red Squirrel Swaps.
To celebrate the centenary of Brownsea Island Camp, make a red squirrel swap to pin on your hat. Swaps are known as Something Worn Attached, Pinned Somewhere.Steps.
1. Collect required materials.
2. Place your cork on the felt, and draw around the top and incorporate feet.
3. Cut the feet out, and glue them to the broad end of the cork.
4. Glue the black pompom onto the red pompom; this is the nose.
5. Glue the eyes above the nose.
6. Cut two small triangles as ears, and glue them to the red pompom.
7. Wind the pipe cleaner around a pencil, to give it a curl.
8. Cut two small pieces of pipe cleaner, about 1 centimeter (0.4 in) each. Poke these into the side of the cork. You now have the arms.
9. Poke the curled pipe cleaner into the bottom of the cork; this is the tail.
10. Glue the head on to the body.
11. Attach the safety pin.
12. Finished.
Hot glue gun works best as it dries quickly.
Adult supervision is needed when using hot glue gun.
Things You'll Need.
Small cork.
Red felt.
2 craft eyes.
Tiny black pompom.
Red pompom.
Red fluffy pipe cleaner.
Safety pin.