how to cut popsicle sticks
How to Cut Popsicle Sticks.
If you’re having some fun by engaging in some arts and crafts, you may need to cut some popsicle sticks. Cutting popsicle sticks can be tough, since the flimsy wood has a tendency to slide out of regular scissors and splinter when you cut it. To cut popsicle sticks while minimizing the chance of splinters, use serrated scissors if you don’t mind a rough edge. For a smoother edge, use wire cutters or snips depending on what is available to you.
Splitting with Serrated Scissors.
Grab a pair of heavy-duty kitchen or craft scissors. Standard scissors with a flat blade won’t easily cut through a popsicle stick. However, you can use any pair of serrated scissors that are designed for the kitchen. Large pairs of craft scissors will work as well.
This method will leave a rough edge behind wherever you cut.
Open your scissors and hold the popsicle stick against the blades. Put your thumb and index finger in the finger holes. Hold the popsicle stick that you want to cut in your nondominant hand. With your blades opened all the way, place the section that you want to cut as close to your handle as possible so that it sits perpendicular at the junction where the 2 blades meet.
You’ll need special scissors if you’re left-handed.
Warning: Keep your fingers at a safe distance away from the blades.
Close the finger holes quickly and firmly to cut the stick. With your other fingers at a safe distance, bring your thumb and index finger together to start closing the blades. Close your scissor blades all the way through the popsicle stick until the two blades snap together. The harder you close your scissors, the less likely you are to fray the edge.
Inspect your edge and remove any splinters. You don’t want random pieces of wood falling off of your popsicle stick. After you’ve cut it, hold it up to your eye and look for splinters. If there are any, carefully pinch them between your thumb and index finger and pull them off.
You can use sandpaper to smooth out rough edges by gently rubbing it on the edge where you cut your popsicle stick. Any grit sandpaper will work.
Using a Wire Cutter.
Find a pair of wire cutters with a flat blade bigger than 1 inch (2.5 cm). You are only going to use the wire cutters to brace the popsicle stick in place when you snap it, so the blades don’t have to be sharp. Wire cutters create a lot of even pressure between their blades when you close the handles. This means that they are unlikely to cause a splinter or uneven edge where you snap the popsicle stick.
You can use a pencil to draw a guide line where you want to cut the popsicle stick. This will help you keep your wire cutters positioned correctly when you twist your wrist to make your cut.
Hold your wire cutters loosely while you line them up on the stick. Wrap your dominant thumb over the top handle of the wire cutters and put your other fingers around the bottom handle. Hold your hands steady and put the popsicle stick in the wire cutter’s jaws. Slide your popsicle stick in the tool’s jaws to find the spot that you want to cut it.
Tighten your grip and hold the popsicle stick in place. You don’t need to squeeze very hard to get the blades to tighten around your popsicle stick. Don’t push down hard, or you’ll risk snapping the stick.
Even though they tend to have smaller blades than scissors or snips, wire cutters pack a punch when you squeeze the handles. Keep your free hand clear of the blades while you position your popsicle stick.
Wiggle your wire cutters back and forth while keeping them closed. With your free hand, hold the longest section of your popsicle stick in place by wrapping your fingers around it and staying still. Then, move your wire cutters back and forth in order to loosen the wood at the junction where you’re holding them.
Keep your grip at the same level of pressure while you move your wire cutters.
Snap the wood off by twisting the wire cutters. Once you hear a few creaks from the wood loosening, you can snap the stick by rotating the wire cutters with your wrist. Turn your wrist sharply to the left and right without moving your arm. The popsicle stick will snap at the junction where you held it with the wire cutters.
Tip: Don’t pull away or move your arm while you do this or you’ll risk leaving a jagged edge.
Cutting with Snips.
Choose your snips based on how you want to cut. Snips are color coded based on the direction that they’re designed to cut. Green snips make cuts to the right, red snips make cuts to the left, and yellow snips cut straight lines. Choose your snips based on whether you’re trying to cut at an angle or make a straight cut.
The advantage of using snips is that they’re going to cut quickly. They may make your popsicle stick slide as you cut it though, so keep a firm grip while cutting.
Open your grip and position your cut. Hold the popsicle stick in your nondominant hand and loosen your grip on the snips to open the blades. Position your popsicle stick between the blades wherever you want to cut it and hold it steady.
Keep your free hand clear from the blades as you position your stick.
Squeeze the handles to close the blades and make your cut. You don’t need to squeeze hard; snips are designed to cut sheet metal and generate a lot of cutting power automatically. As you squeeze, keep the popsicle stick still so that your cut stays consistent. Tighten your grip until you hear a snap and then release the handles.
Tip: Remove any splinters by pinching them between your thumb and forefinger and pulling them off.
You can use sandpaper to smooth out jagged edges after you cut them. All you have to do is hold a small piece of sandpaper in your dominant hand and lightly drag it back and forth across the edge where you cut your stick.
Popsicle sticks tend to splinter no matter how you cut them, but they’re also are relatively cheap. Buy a few extra bundles so that you always have some extra sticks laying around in the event that you split a few them.
Never use snips, scissors, or wire cutters without the supervision of an adult. If you need help, your parent or teacher will be able to cut your popsicle sticks for you.
Always keep your free hand away from the area that you’re going to cut.
Work at a stable table with plenty of room.